Each even year Spatial Dimension hosts an Annual FlexiCadastre User Conference.
Typically held after the African Mining Indaba in Cape Town, it provides the opportunity for our clients to attend both events consecutively. In odd years, Regional FlexiCadastre User Conferences are held in Africa, North America, Latin America and Australia.
2014 FlexiCadastre User Conference Proceedings - Cape Town:
- Toby Mills - Spatial Dimension - What's New in FlexiCadastre 5.2 [3252kB]
- Ousmane Deme - World Bank - Open Contracting [787kB]
- Elrina Lategan - Impala Platinum - FlexiCadastre Implementation [1352kB]
- Gretel Orake - Papua New Guinea - FlexiCadastre Implementation [1352kB]
- Tankiso Mabote - Kumba Iron Ore - Flexicadastre Implementation [2086kB]
- Mike Baumgartner - Spatial Dimension - Forestry Lease Management[808kB]
- Carolyn Holness - Spatial Dimension - Lao PDR Implementation [1802kB]
- John Nayopa - MEM Tanzania - MCIMS Implementation [582kB]
- Glenn Matthews - Spatial Dimension - FlexiCadastre Vision [1601kB]